Saturday, December 8, 2012

Community Nutcracker

We were so lucky to be able to experience a performance of The Community Nutcracker on Friday.  The students traveled to The Florida Theater and got to dress in their holiday finest.  Everyone enjoyed the beautiful music and wonderful dancing.  I think a few students were inspired to become ballerinas one day. :)

Persuading The Grinch to Grin!

Our boys and girls are becoming such amazing persuasive writers.  We have been learning how to support our opinions with reasons.  Our task on Thursday was to convince that grumpy Grinch to grin!  Take a look at some of the ideas the students had to get the Grinch to crack a smile.

"I would give him a hug and a kiss and I will be his friend."

"I would give him roses on a sunny day."

"I would give him flowers because it would be perfect for him."

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like The Holidays!

Well December has arrived! What a lot of fun we have in store before Winter Break!  The boys and girls are having fun learning about traditions of the holiday season!  Stay tuned for many more updates over the coming days!  We are having a blast learning, reading and writing about Christmas, Hannukah and Kwanzaa!  What a fun time of year!

Our Elf has arrived! Breezy is keeping an eye on the students daily and reporting back to Santa at night!

He even leaves us messages every day!  Ms. Isaacs is able to take a break from writing the morning message!!

Rudolph is retiring!  Did Karla persuade Santa to choose her as the new reindeer  "I would be a good reindeer because my nose will glow in the dark and I am a good flyer!"  Way to go Karla!

We Love America!

November marked a very exciting time for our country.  November 6th was our Presidential Election.  The students learned important vocabulary like election, candidates, ballot and voting.  The students were very excited to find out the winner of this year's election.  We even had our own mock election!! 

Veteran's Day was marked on November 11.  The friends on Island 2 reflected and thought about the brave men and women that have fought for our country's safety and freedom.  The students created torn-paper flags and were able to take part in our Seabreeze Flag Raising, meeting real U.S. Veterans.  How special!

                   If I Were President of the USA...

"I would pass out cans to people"
"I will be a president that gives food."
"I would give people money."

Homemade Bird Feeders

Our second visit to our Seabreeze Greenhouse was just as fun as our first!  Miss Trish taught us some interesting facts about birds.  Our students kept their eyes peeled for different feathered friends throughout the presentation.  Then we were lucky enough to make our own homemade bird feeders using pine cones, peanut butter and bird seed.  What a great rainy day craft for the family!  Did you hang up your bird feeder at home? 

Monday, November 26, 2012


Our trip to the Museum of Science and History was a blast!  What started as a dreary morning turned into a beautiful day! The students had a chance to explore the museums many exhibits! From walking through the human mouth and seeing how our body works, to roaming the streets through the history of Jacksonville, the students had a wonderful time. 

We were fortunate to attend the "What's the Matter?" presentation.  The students learned about the three kinds of matter...solid, liquid and gas.  Some of our friends even got to participate in the presentation! 

Our time at MOSH was followed by an outdoor lunch at Friendship Fountain! We were so lucky to have clear skies for this time of our trip.  What an awesome view for all of us!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"The Wheels on the Bus Go 'Round and 'Round"

Tuesday's field trip to MOSH marked the first time the children rode on a school bus.  This was a very exciting way to start a fun day! Being the proud teacher that I am, I was so excited to see the boys and girls remember "bus manners" that we discussed the day before.  The students used their CHAMPS Level 1 voice (whisper) and it made for a WONDERFUL bus ride.  I know our driver was able to drive safely and was very appreciative of our wonderful manners. 

Take a look at the friends as we got ready to depart our school.  (Don't worry...field trip pics will follow)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Spotlight on Seabreeze!

Wow!!I was logging on to our DCPS homepage and was so happy to see our very own Rockaway Gardens and Seabreeze family!  We have certainly always known how wonderful our partnership with the garden center has been this year.  It is wonderful to see it being recognized by our county! Way to go!

Click here to read the nice article!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Our Trip to The Greenhouse!!

We are so lucky to have such a great partnership with Rockaway Gardens.  It is amazing how far the greenhouse area has come in just a year!  Our class was able to visit the beautiful area last Thursday.  Miss Trish was an awesome guide as we explored the garden, greenhouse and courtyard.  We had the chance to learn about the parts of a plant. We even got to plant our own class plant out in the newly rejuvenated courtyard!  What a fun time we had!!         

  Miss Trish was very informative! She sure does know a lot about plants!

Look at the mini-Christmas trees! How cute!

Miss Trish got the area for our plant all ready to go!

  We got to pull some weeds in the courtyard!! See ya later little weeds!