Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Kindergarten Science Lab

On Thursday, our Kinder-Scientists conducted their first Science Lab. We have been learning about observations that scientists make and the tools thei use to learn about the world around them. They also know that scientists ask questions to find out more information. 

Take a look as our friends used balances, hand lenses and goggles to explore and learn. They also got to use thermometers and measuring cups!! What a fun day!

Fire Prevention Week

Last week was Fire Prevention and a Safety Week. We were lucky to have been visited by a Kindergarten Dad, who just happens to be a fire fighter. He taught us some important ways to avoid fires.  We also learned some helpful tips in case we ever experience our own fire. Thanks so our amazing volunteer!!

Island 2 Birthdays

Look who turned 6!!!  Happy Birthday, Jay'Quain and Taylor!!!

Star Student of the Week!!

Thank you for being a wonderful Star Student, Aurora!! We loved learning about you and your favorite things!

Howls and Haystacks!

We had such a fun time at our annual Fall Festival! Thank you to all that were able to help!  I hope you all got to enjoy all of the fun games and activities!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Star Student of the Week

T.J. Is our Star of the Week!! He is our special helper. We got to learn about all of the fun things that T.J. Likes to do. We loved learning about how he rides his skateboard and fishes at the pier. Thanks for being a great student, T.J.!

Monday, September 30, 2013

In Our Humble Opinion....

The boys and girls are learning the difference between fact and opinion.  During writing, the students are writing about their opinion on a certain topic. We have written about favorite food, toys, person and movies.  Take a look at some of the students' pieces. Some are using detailed pictures to support his or her opinion.  We even have some students writing words to tell their favorite things.

               "My favorite food is spaghetti."

     "My favorite movie is Harry Potter" (notice the
      brooms and flying ball to represent Quidditch)

               "My favorite movie is Iron Man"

      "My favorite movie is Strawberry Shortcake."
     (Great details! I recognized that strawberry hat anywhere)

           "My favorite movie is My Little Pony."

               "My favorite movie is Jessie"
                 (look at phonetic spelling:jse)

We are Scientists!

The students on Island 2 have recently discovered that they, in fact, are scientists!  We know that scientists observe the world around them by using their senses.  Well, we do that every day!  The kiddos used hand lenses to observe a flower and a few other objects from nature.  The students recorded their observations in their Interactive Science Journals. Do we have future Bill Nyes in our class?!? 

Star Student of the Week!!

Jonah is our Star Student of the Week!  It was so fun learning about Jonah and his family! Thanks, friend, for sharing your great board with us! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Counting Out Sets of Objects

The students on Island 2 are learning how to count out a set of objects given a number 0-10. We have been using a Ten Frame to help them organize the objects.  This is also a great way to have the students visualize the number 10. It is super important to have a good sense of the number 10 and the basis it is for all other numbers.   It will benefit your child in the years to come. 

This week, we used Gummy Bears to reinforce the skill. The students got to draw a card and place the correct number of gummies on the frame. Take a look at your cuties as they had fun learning. 

Friday Treat!!

Last Friday, we had a very special visitor. My Aunt came to read to us and brought us an awesome snack!! Take a look at the fun we had with our Scrabble Cheez-Its. This is a great way to have the boys and girls learn while they chow down!! 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Retelling "Three Billy Goats Gruff"


Our boys and girls are having a blast listening and thinking about familiar stories.  One of our Kindergarten objectives is to retell familiar stories, thinking about what happens at the beginning, middle and end.  This is by no means a professionally edited video...LOL.  Just thought one of our reenactments would be fun to share.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Playtime Rocks

I am sure many of you parents are used to hearing the same thing: "Playtime is the greatest part of our day!"  Well, yes. It is a lot of fun. As the students get used to the sometimes rigorous routines of school, playtime is a great break from exercising our brains. It is a great way to exercise our bodies!  Take a look at some of the fun the kiddos get into at recess.  

We Love Literacy!!

The students on Island 2 are getting into the routines needed to establish a strong literacy work time. Our rotations include activities that are aimed to strengthen some of the following areas: Alphabet recognition, letter formation, beginning sounds, rhyming words and reading comprehension. We are having a lot of fun learning how to be hard workers. We are even reading independently!!! Kindergarten friends know how to read pictures in stories. Some of the friends are even recognizing common sight words!  What a bunch of smarties!!