Saturday, August 24, 2013

Meet Mrs. Crayne

The boys and girls had a chance to meet our new art teacher, Mrs. Kelly Crayne.  She was a lot of fun and brought a lot of laughs to Island 2.  The boys and girls got to explore her cool cart and learn her expectations for our weekly art sessions.  I am sure I will have a lot of pictures to share of the fun the children will be having with Mrs.Crayne this year.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Let's Exercise and Count

Kindergarten students are expected to count to 100.  This is a challenging mission.  Every challenge calls for a fun way of working hard to meet the mark.  Take a look at our daily exercise regimen. The children LOVE it!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Parent Road Map for Common Core

Common Core Standards are the future of your child's success and education.  These expectations are in place to help ensure and mainstream quality education for students across the country.  The expectations are high but very achievable!!  I am excited to be able to lead your children as they become the learners they can be.

I have attached two documents that are Common Core "cheat sheets" for parents and families.  These will help you understand the purpose and content of this direction we are taking.  My goal, as well as the goal of Common Core, is to guide the students to learn, internalize, apply and engage with each element of our Kindergarten Common Core Standards.

Take a look and remember:  I am here as a partner with you and your child.  We will work together to "Ride the Waves of Success!"

Click here for Literacy Road Map
Click here for Math Road Map

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hello there, my new kindergarten friends! My name is Ms. Isaacs and I am soooo excited to meet you and be your teacher this year! I hope that all of you have had an awesome summer! I know that you are all ready and excited to start elementary school. This will be a new time in your life where you will make new friends and grow into amazing learners.

This will be my tenth year as a teacher! I taught first grade for six years and this is my fourth group of Kindergarteners! I absolutely love to see all the amazing learning you all will be involved in this school year! Seabreeze is a great school. We will have so much fun together! I cannot wait to get to know each one of you.

 I want to tell you some things about myself, too! I grew up in Atlantic Beach and went to Fletcher High School. After graduating, I studied Primary Education at the University of North Florida. I enjoy reading, bike riding, traveling and going to the beach. I have a dog named Miller that you will hear A LOT about this year. :) I wonder if any of you have pets?

We are going to be doing so many fun things in Kindergarten. You will all have a great time and be busy bees in our classroom. I hope you are as excited about what the year has in store for us as I am. You will begin to bloom into readers, writers, scientists and math whizzes!!! I hope you are ready to EXERCISE YOUR BRAIN!

Well, August 19th is just around the corner! Enjoy your last days of summer and I will meet you soon!

XOXO, Ms. Isaacs