Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Grandparent's Luncheon

Our Annual Grandparent's Luncheon was a HUGE success.  Our PTA did a wonderful job of organizing this special day.  I caught a few families for a quick picture.  It was so busy that I couldn't track down everyone.  Enjoy what I snapped!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"Milking" Science for All It's Worth!!

What a fun time we are having in science this week! On Monday, we talked about how discoveries are made through asking questions.  Our students had fun generating questions about certain wonderings they had.  "Why do people hiccup?"  "Why does it rain?" "Why do tears taste salty?"

Today, I thought it would be fun to do a simple (BUT TIME-CONSUMING) experiment.  First, I showed the students a set of materials.

Then, the students had to predict what we would be doing with this set of materials.  Some predictions included making volcanoes, making soup (we read Stone Soup  earlier that morning), dying milk colors.  

We poured in a little milk into a bowl.  I then went around and dropped a few tiny drops of food coloring into each bowl.  The students noticed that the drops did not do much more that create large rings.  They then had to ask the following question:  What will happen when we dip a little dish soap into the food coloring?  A lot of interesting ideas were discussed.  Would the milk explode?? Turn into a volcano?? Or would the milk turn different colors??  The kiddos loved discovering the result!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Math Math is So Much Fun for Everyone!!

In math, we are working on developing a deeper understanding of the number 10.  Understanding and being able to work with the number 10 is a solid foundation one needs to become a first grade math wiz!!  This week we are creating and solving story problems about 10.  We are also learning different ways we can represent 10.  Three Towers was a fun game in which the students had to build 3 towers of 10 using a dice and colored cubes.  Students rolled a dice and took turns building that amount onto their tower.  They also needed to create an equation showing how their tower represented 10.  Take a look!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Getting Off to a Smart Start!

Our boys and girls in Room 2 have hit the ground running!  They are quickly learning the ins and outs of First Grade.  Take a look at some of the things we have been doing in our room.
Students are learning that good readers ask and answer questions as they read stories!!

Independent Reading occurs daily in first grade.  It is important the students know what it looks and sounds like.

The teacher and the student both have important jobs during a read aloud. 
There are many ways to read a book!!

Our little scientists exploring the tools!

What does JayQuain see using his hand lense?

Erin put together a 120 Chart puzzle.  She must really be good at seeing the patterns in the chart.  Smartie!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

1st Grade Here We Come!!

Hello there, my soon-to-be 1st graders!  I am soooo excited to see you next week! I hope that all of you have had an awesome summer! I know that you are all ready and excited to kick off a new year. This will be a new time in your life where you will make new friends and grow into amazing learners. I already know most of you!! I am super excited to be looping up with a lot of my friends from last year.  We are SO LUCKY because we will have a few new friends with us as well!

This will be my eleventh year as a teacher! I taught Kindergarten for 4 years and this will be my 7th year in 1st grade!!  I am so excited to be back in first!  It will amaze you to see how much you will learn this year.  I don't know about you, but I am ready to exercise my brain!!

I had a wonderful summer visiting family and friends!  It was nice to catch up with people that I don't get to see very often.  I also did a lot of reading.  I read some really exciting and funny books.  Did you do any reading, too?  One of my favorite summer activities was sitting on the beach and opening up a new book.  I always find so many adventures in the pages of my books. 

I look forward to seeing you at Orientation on Friday, 8/15 at 11:00.  You will get to see our new classroom!  I hope you like it.  I have had fun getting it ready for you.

See you soon!! Enjoy your last few days of summer!