Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We Love School!

Well, we made it through the first two days of Kindergarten with flying colors!  The days have been mighty busy, but the boys and girls in Cottage 2 are Kindergarten rock stars!

We have spent a lot of time learning our rituals and routines.  It will take some time to become a well-oiled machine, but we will get there soon enough.  The structure and repetition will allow the classroom to feel like "home". 

We are focusing on a letter a day for the first 26 days, going in order from A-Z.  This is just a brief review before we begin to dive deeper into letter/sound relationships.  We are so proud of our friends that know their ABCs! We have been celebrating all week with fun alphabet songs and dances!

Our Kindergarten friends also learned that everyone is a writer.  Through pictures we can tell information that we want a reader to know.  On Monday, we drew self-portraits to tell our friends a little about what we look like! 

How lucky are we? We were able to go to Music with Mr. Millan yesterday.  The boys and girls learned a "wild" chant and dance...I wonder if they can show it to you.  This afternoon, the students met Coach Hollingsworth and had a blast at P.E.

All in all, our week has been fabulous.  There is still so much more to come!  Thank you for helping make the first two days AMAZING! 

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